Name | Category | % Chance | Harvest DC | Harvesting Time | Price |
Banner of the Abominable | G | – | – | – | 1350 gp |
Bridle of Agglutination | A | 25% | – | – | 1100 gp |
Eye of the Dreamer (Can be rolled for 3x) | M | 65% | DC 12 (Religion) | 1 minute | 120 gp |
Monster Looting RulesBanner of the Abominable (Increases CR of the Lancer to 5)
Rare Wondrous Item (Banner), Requires Attunement
- This banner’s features and abilities can only be active or activated if you are holding it in at least one hand.
Unearthly Aura. Each time a creature within 15 feet of you takes necrotic damage, they take 5 extra necrotic damage.
Unholy Empowerment. As a bonus action, you can choose a creature within 30 feet of you. That creature’s next successful weapon attack made until the end of its next turn deals extra 1d6 necrotic damage.
Deathly Miasma. When a living creature or aberration within 30 feet of you is brought to 0 Hit Points, you can use your reaction to make heavy pestilent miasma come out of their wounds. Any creature within 5 feet of them must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 necrotic damage on a failure.
Saddle of Agglutination
Rare Wondrous Item (Bridle), Requires Attunement
Unseparable Duo. As an action, you can put this Saddle on any beast of CR ½ or less you are currently mounted upon. When you do this, the flesh of your forms fuses together and forms a single abhorrent entity. For the duration of the feature, you are affected the following effects
- You and your mount add your maximum and current Hit Points together, and you are considered a single creature of the aberration creature type for the purposes of spells and other effects. Each time you have to make a saving throw or an ability check, you can choose whose ability score is used for the roll
- You cannot be dismounted and you share your mount’s creature size
- Your mount functions the same as a normal controlled mount
- If you go to 0 Hit Points, the Saddle is automatically taken off and the effect ends
- At the start of each of your turns, you take 1d10 psychic damage. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.
You can take off the Saddle as an action. Once it is taken off, you become separate from the mount again, and the mount’s body is stored in the Saddle. You lose any maximum Hit Points gained from the mount, but you retain your Current Hit Points and any effects that you were subjected to while fused with it.
If a creature is stored in the Saddle and you are attuned to it, you can use your action to make the creature reappear within 5 feet of you with 1 Hit Point remaining. Only one creature can be stored in the Saddle at a time, if a creature is stored inside the Saddle while there is already one inside, it is replaced and the one already inside is consumed and dies.
A creature that has once been stored in the Saddle can be stored inside it again without needing to put the Saddle on it. You can store it inside using an action if you are holding the Saddle and the creature is within 30 feet of you.
Eye of the Dreamer
Uncommon Consumable
A yellow bulbous eye that moves and blinks on its own. It’s extraction process from the bodies of the corrupted requires a careful occult rite, if one doesn’t wish to destroy it.
- This hideous eye can be consumed as an action. When you consume it, you take 2d6 psychic damage and an identical eye appears on some part of your body for 1 hour. This gives you the following benefits
- You gain Darkvision out to the range of 60 feet
- Dim Light doesn’t impose disadvantage on Perception checks.
- You gain a +2 bonus to Perception and Investigation ability checks.