Leg of Mighty Kicks

If consumed, this leg can provide the consumer with significant strength, but it must be cooked properly, otherwise its special properties are lost. It requires a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Cook’s Utensils) check and 4 hours of cooking. The DC is increased to 24 for creatures not proficient with Cook’s Utensils.  

If cooked properly, a creature can spend 10 minutes eating the leg, giving them the following benefits until they finish a long rest.  

  • They gain an unnatural strength in their legs, making unarmed attacks made with them deal extra +3 bludgeoning damage, and using a 1d8 damage die, unless they already use a higher one.
    •  If they attempt to shove a creature, they can automatically make one Unarmed attack with their legs as part of the action.  
  • They gain extra 5 feet of movement speed and their jump distance is doubled.

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