Talisman of Stone Passage

Very Rare Wondrous Item (Talisman), Requires Attunement

  • You gain the ability to understand and talk Terran.
  • While moving through stone or on a stone surface, you gain burrow speed equal to your walking speed and you don’t need to hold your breath while burrowing. You don’t disturb the stone you move through while doing so.
    • Once per long rest as an action, you can choose up to six creatures within 60 feet of you and make them benefit from the effects of this feature as well for 1 minute. 
    • If you spend at least 8 hours fully burrowed or submerged in stone, you gain 2d10 Temporary Hit Points for 1 hour, and you are under the effects of the Stoneskin spell while you have these Temporary Hit Points
  • Once per long rest, you can cast the Passwall spell on a stone surface without requiring any components, and all of the dimensions of the opening specified in the spell are doubled. 
  • (Recharge 5-6) While on a stone surface, you can use your bonus action to teleport to any other stone surface within 60 feet of you that you can see. 
  • Earth Elementals are inherently friendly towards you, and will not be hostile unless attacked or provoked. They can still be hostile to your allies, but you have advantage on any charisma checks while interacting with them.

You can cast the Mold Earth cantrip on stone as a bonus action, but the range is also increased to 90 ft. and affected portion is increased to a 15-foot cube

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