Map of Spying

Rare Adventuring Gear (Cartographer’s Tools), Requires Proficiency with Cartographer’s Tools, Requires Attunement

This strange folded dusty map shows anything that’s drawn on it, making it rise from the parchment as miniatures and models. Strangely enough, there is also what seems to be a keyhole on the map’s back.

  • When used as part of Cartographer’s Tools, it gives a +2 bonus on ability checks made with them. 
  • When the attuned creature draws a map in this item, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity (Cartographer’s Tools) Ability check, on a success, they can add the map to the item’s collection, giving it additional features and interactions. An attuned creature can use their action to make a map from the collection disappear or appear on the item.
    • The item can have up to 7 drawn maps in its collection, if a new map is drawn on the item, it can replace one in the collection, and the old one is removed from the item’s collection and it cannot appear on the map, unless it’s drawn and added to the collection again. 
    • The attuned creature can only add a map to the collection if the map accurately represents a specific place that they have seen or know the exact dimensions, specifics or measurements of. A map cannot be added to the collection if its dimensions are not accurate. 
    • A creature attuned to the item knows of all maps that are in the item’s collection and can make them appear even if they never saw them or know that place they represent. 
    • If a creature fails on the ability check to make a map, they cannot repeat it until they see the place it represents again, or until they see a different accurate schematic or map that already represents it.  
    • This item’s other features only apply to maps that are part of the item’s collection

Miniature Simulacra. When a map that represents a place smaller than 5000 square feet appears on the item, a small scaled miniature image of all creatures that occupy the space rises from the map and appears at their current location. The image shows the current appearance and location of the individual creatures, but not what they are currently doing, only showing an unmoving and stiff image of them. 

  • The item only creates images of creatures that are directly touching the ground. It won’t show any creatures on higher elevations (unless they are depicted on the map) or ones that are flying above it. 

Focus Points. When a map that represents a place bigger than 5000 square feet appears on the item, parts of the map will gain color depending on one of the following concentrations or measures of a certain dataset of the attuned creature’s choosing:

  1. Population
    • Only takes humanoids into account 
  2. Magical Activity
  3. Temperature 
  4. Topography 

The map will only show measures and concentrations as they compare to other places on the map, and it will also not tell what numbers they represent. (For example, they will not know if the most populated place on the map has 10 000 creatures or 10).
The larger the scale of the map, the less information is to be gained from it. 

  • You can use this feature only once per long rest, allowing you to see only one of the possible datasets on a single map of your choice. 

Tracking Shot. If you are holding the Mischief-Maker’s Map in a free hand, you can use your action to make a DC 13 Dexterity or Intelligence (Cartographer’s Tools) ability check. On a success, a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you is marked, and the map will keep showing the layout of the area that is currently within 60 feet of them. This layout will also show other creatures, represented as red dots on the map. 

The effect lasts for 24 hours, until a different creature is marked, or until a different map is made to appear on the item.

  • You can use this feature an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down), regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest. 

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