Star Flenser

Very Rare Weapon (Special), Thrown (80/320), Requires Attunement 

  • While attuned, you are proficient with this weapon. 
  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon
  • The base damage of this weapon is 1d4 piercing plus 1d4 radiant.  
  • After you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it returns to your hand. 

Guiding Constellation. You can use your action to create a 80-foot-high column of starlight with a 10-foot radius centred on a point of your choosing within 80 feet of you.
The area lasts for 1 minute and becomes lit by bright light, and any creature that enters it or starts their turn there must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, becoming outlined by a constellation-like pattern, beginning to shed dim light in a 15-foot radius and causing the next attack roll made against them to have advantage. These effects last for 1 minute, or until the affected creatures are attacked.
Once per short rest, you can use Guiding Constellation as a bonus action instead of an action.

Path of Stars. If you hit a creature with a ranged attack made with Star Flenser, you can make the weapon bounce and target one additional creature that is under the effects of Guiding Constellation and within 15 feet of the original target. When you decide to use this ability, you make a ranged weapon attack with Star Flenser against the additional target, but don’t gain advantage from the Guiding Constellation effect on the attack roll. 

  • When Star Flenser bounces to a new target and hits it, it can bounce from them to a different viable target again.
    Star Flenser can only bounce a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per a single “throw”

Flash of Starlight (Recharge 5-6) You can choose a creature within 80 feet of you and use your bonus action to force them to make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, they become affected by the effect of Guiding Constellation on a failure.

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