Pumpkin Carving Kit

 Rare Adventuring Gear (Special)

  • This kit has 3 charges. If you spend a minute using this item you can expend one charge to try and make one three special Magical Pumpkins that last until you finish your next long rest.
    To make many of these types, you need to succeed on a Dexterity ability check, the DC of which depends on the type of Pumpkin you want to create. If you fail on the ability check, each of these Pumpkins has a unique negative effect that happens immediately after the check.

Lantern Pumpkin (DC 5). Provides bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you are wielding the lantern and a fey, fiend or undead creature ends their turn in the bright light provided by this lantern, you can use your reaction to force them to make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, giving them disadvantage on their next attack roll or saving throw made until the end of their next turn. 

Failure Consequence. If you fail the ability check to make this lantern, you become covered in glowing orange slime that makes you give off bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet until the end of your next long rest. Any hostile fey, fiend or undead that end their turn in the bright light gain advantage on their next attack roll or saving throw made until the end of their next turn. 

Blasted Pumpkin (DC 10). This pumpkin is a simple thrown (range 20/60) weapon. You can throw it using an action, shattering it on impact. If you hit a creature with this pumpkin, they take 4d6 fire damage and they and all creatures within 5 feet of them must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 fire damage on a failure.
If your attack roll misses by 5 or less, the target doesn’t take damage from the hit, but it and all creatures within 5 feet of them must still make the Dexterity saving throw. 

Failure Consequence. If you fail the ability check to make this pumpkin, it immediately explodes in your hands, affecting you as if you were automatically hit by an attack made with the Blasted Pumpkin. 

Feast Pumpkin (DC 15). This pumpkin is a consumable with 3 uses. A creature can spend 10 minutes eating this pumpkin, expending one use and healing them for two of their hit dice. Any excess Hit Points are converted into Temporary Hit Points if the creature reaches their Maximum Hit Points

Failure Consequence. You become poisoned until you finish a long rest. If you are already poisoned, you take 4d10 poison damage. 

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