Hopper’s Keg

Rare Adventuring Gear (Brewer’s Supplies), Requires Proficiency with Brewer’s Supplies, Requires Attunement

This item is a special oaken keg that weighs 10 pounds and can hold two gallons of liquid. Beer inside the Keg doesn’t increase the Keg’s weight, so it will weigh the same as if there was no beer inside. 

When used as part of Brewer’s Supplies, it gives a +2 bonus on ability checks made with them. 

Adventuring Microbrewery. This small magical keg is enchanted so that its fermenting process can be hastened by the attuned creature’s own metabolism. Each time you finish a long rest, you can expend one of your Hit Dice to immediately finish the fermentation process of the beer inside the keg, making it ready for consumption. 

Hops and Wort(h)

As part of a short rest, you can make a DC 15 Wisdom (Brewer’s Supplies) to begin a special magical brewing process, requiring at least 10 gp worth of ingredients. On a success, a special kind of beer called “Hopping Brew” starts fermenting in the keg. Once Hopping Brew is finished, a creature can drink a pint of it and gain these effects for 1 hour: 

  • Their jump distance is tripled
  • Once for the duration of the effect, they can use their bonus action to jump as far as they can, without expending any of their movement. 
  • Once for the duration of the effect, they can use their reaction to go under the effects of the Feather Fall spell. 

Drinking the pint usually requires at least 1 minute, but a creature can use their action to drink it all at once, they must however also succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failure. 

Drinking another pint of Hopping Brew while already under its effects will only  increase the effects duration, but will not recharge any expended abilities. 

The Hopping Brew only keeps its magical effects for 24 hours after being finished.

Hopping Brew is a pale lager with unbelievably frothy and bubbly foam that doesn’t settle down, but instead constantly rises up and forms small Ale s that fly off into the sky.

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