Crown of Hops

Rare Wondrous Item (Crown), Requires Attunement 

  • You gain a +1 bonus on checks made with Brewer’s Supplies wearing this item.

Stout Endurance. While attuned to the crown, you gain resistance to Poison damage and advantage on saving throws against effects that cause the Poisoned condition.

Lord of the Drinks. Once per long rest as an action, you can propose a toast and a tankard filled with delicious beer appears in a free hand of all creatures of your choice within 60 feet. When this ability is used, each affected creature can immediately use their reaction to raise their tankard and drink it, making them regain 4d4+4 Hit Points.

  • Being part of the toast and its revelry fills creatures with additional vigor, especially if they can share it with friends. A creature that does the drinking reaction gains additional 1d4+1 Temporary Hit Points for each allied creature within 10 feet of them that also used the reaction. These temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute.  

Until the end of their next turn, creatures that didn’t use the drink reaction can instead use their action to drink it, providing the same benefits.
The tankard disappears once a creature drinks from it.
Creatures can only regain hit points by drinking the tankard that appeared in their hand, drinking the tankards of other creatures provides no benefit. 

Master of Ceremonies. This crown gives you unique abilities that help you be the centerpiece of any revelry, party or ceremony, and allows you to make sure that everyone has a good time. 

  • You gain a +5 bonus on Insight and Performance checks while you are attending a party, revelry or if you are simply attempting to cheer up your party during a Short Rest
  • As an action you can teleport any container filled with any alcoholic beverage within 120 feet to the free hand of any creature within 120 feet of you that you can see.
    • The weight of the container must be less than 5 pounds and it must not be carried or held by a creature. 
  • Once short rest, you can use your action to remove the effects of Intoxication or alcohol poisoning from a creature. 
  • You are aware of any poison or unnatural substance in an alcoholic beverage within 30 feet of you

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