Mischief Maker 

Medium Fey, Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class: 18 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points: 104 (16d8+32)

Speed: 45 ft.

STR 8/-1

DEX 20/+5

CON 14/+2

INT 18/+4

WIS 10/+0

CHA 16/+3

Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +10

Saving Throws: Dexterity +7, Wis +3

Condition Immunities: Blinded 

Senses: Blindsight 90 ft., Passive Perception 12

Languages: Common, Sylvan

Challenge: 8

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Map Manipulation. If the Mischief Maker holds a map that represents an area that’s 5000 square feet large or smaller. The map shows all objects and creatures in that area that are touching the ground, making them emerge from the map as if they were miniatures. 

  • The Mischief Maker can move objects on the map as if it was under the effects of the Telekinesis spell 
  • The Mischief Maker can also move objects on the map as if it targeted them with the Catapult spell (DC 15) using a 5th level spell slot 
  • It can use its action to magically close and lock a single door or other object with a lock in the room until the start of its next turn. The DC to pick the lock is 20.

This ability only works if the Mischief Makes is within 100 feet of the room or in the same complex or building as the room.  

Mischief Maker can also spend one uninterrupted minute to create a detailed map of an area. 

Sneaky Trickster. Mischief Maker can use the Disengage and Hide actions as bonus actions.
When the Mischief Maker hides, it can also gain the illusory appearance of any small or medium object of its choice that it has seen. While disguising itself as an object, the Mischief Maker can hide in any light.

  • While disguised as an object, the Search action can’t reveal the Mischief Maker, and can only reveal its general location on a success due to any slight noise that it might have made 
  • The Mischief Maker’s object appearance is revealed if it takes damage, or if a creature tries to inspect the object and succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. 

While it has the appearance of an object, Mischief Maker can use its Map Manipulation ability without revealing itself.


  • Sneaky Sweep. All creatures within 10 feet of the Mischief Maker must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw, being knocked prone and losing their reaction on a failure.
  • Blinding Colourful Spray. All creatures in a 15-foot cone originating from the Mischief Maker must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, being blinded until the end of their next turn on a failure. 

Disorienting Fangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10(2d4+5) piercing damage. The creature must also make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, going under the effects of Confusion spell on a failure. At the end of each of its turns, the affected creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.

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