Stoneshaper’s Mallet

Rare Adventuring Gear (Mason’s Tools), Requires Proficiency with Mason’s Tools, Requires Attunement

When used as part of Mason’s Tools, this item gives a +2 bonus on ability checks made with them. 

Stonewall. You can use your action to make a Strength or Dexterity (Mason’s Tools), immediately creating one of the following nonmagical stone objects with its centre within 5 feet of you on a successful ability check.

  • (DC 13) A stone wall that is 20 ft. long, 20 ft. high and 6 inches thick..This wall is an object made of stone that can be damaged and thus breached. It has AC 15 and Hit Point equal to twice your Mason’s Tools ability check made to create the object.
  • (DC 9) A 5-foot-by-5-foot block that serves as half cover for medium creatures, and three-quarters cover for small creatures. This stone object has AC 17, and Hit Points equal to 4x your Mason’s Tools ability check made to create the object.
    • You must create your Stonewall objects on unoccupied space and on solid foundation. 
    • You can only have a number of Stonewall objects at a time equal to your proficiency bonus. You can touch a Stonewall object with the Stoneshaper’s Mallet and use your bonus action to destroy it. When you lose attunement with the Tools, all Stonewall objects are immediately destroyed.
    • Once per long rest, you can use your action to choose a single Stonewall object and touch it – that object stops being counted into your number of existing Stonewall objects and is not destroyed upon losing attunement. 

Stonesense. If you touch a stone object or a building, you get to know the direction and distance of its entrance nearest to you. 

Perfect Shape. Once per long rest you can cast the Stone Shape spell using the item without requiring any components. 

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